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Nashville, TN (615) 320-8585

Brow Lift

Model - Brow Lift

Dr. Brian Tierney performs forehead lift, also called brow lift, in Nashville, TN for women and men who want a smoother forehead and lifted brows. Whether a low-set brow is due to genetics or has simply sagged as the result of age, a brow lift can help improve the look of this important part of the face – on its own or in conjunction with another facial rejuvenation procedure.

Would you like to find out what brow lift surgery by Dr. Tierney can do for you? Request a consultation online, or call our office at (615) 320-8585.

A brow lift is performed for women and men who want a smoother forehead and lifted brows.

What Is a Brow Lift?

At Dr. Tierney's Nashville practice, a brow lift is a surgical procedure that targets the forehead and brow area. A brow lift is different from a facelift because a facelift generally addresses the lower two-thirds of the face. A brow lift can correct many common upper face concerns, including:

A brow lift does not address excessive skin or fat deposits sagging over the eyes. The appropriate procedure for that is eyelid surgery, which is often performed at the same time as a brow lift for a more complete rejuvenation of the upper face.

Your Brow Lift

Dr. Tierney is careful to approach every brow lift with the needs of the individual in mind. Several incision options are available, and Dr. Tierney discusses which one may best suit you during your initial consultation. In all cases, brow lift incisions are well-hidden within the hairline or the scalp.

Once Dr. Tierney makes the incision, he repositions underlying tissue, surgically tightening muscles and removing excess fat and skin. When he is satisfied with the surgical adjustments, he closes the incisions with sutures. Many brow lift procedures may be performed under local anesthesia with sedation. However, if the procedure is performed at the same time as another surgery, such as a facelift, general anesthesia may be used. Dr. Tierney discusses these details with each patient prior to his or her surgery.

Brow Lift Recovery & Results

Brow lift surgery typically causes mild swelling, which can be alleviated by cold compresses and sleeping in a recliner or with multiple pillows for several nights. Although pain is not usually significant, Dr. Tierney prescribes pain medication if needed. Most patients can transition to over-the-counter medicines after a couple of days. Many people say that tightness, numbness, and itching near the incisions are more of a concern than pain.

Light activity, such as walking, is recommended during recuperation to maintain good circulation, but activities which require stooping or bending are inadvisable due to their potential to increase swelling. Sutures are typically removed after 1 week, and many patients feel comfortable returning to work at this point.

Real Patient Photos

See the beautiful results Dr. Tierney can create for you with our gallery of real patient before-and-after photos.

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The ultimate results of a brow lift are typically seen at about 6 months post-surgery. Although the face continues to age, most patients will not see significant or severe signs of aging on a lifted brow. By practicing good sun care habits and maintaining a steady weight, a brow lift can keep the upper face looking beautiful indefinitely.

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