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Nashville, TN (615) 320-8585


Model - Rhinoplasty

The nose job, technically called rhinoplasty, is a tried-and-true and very popular plastic surgery procedure. Teens and adults choose rhinoplasty in Nashville, TN with Dr. Brian Tierney to improve the size, shape, projection, and overall appearance of the nose, as well as correct its function.

If you live in or around Nashville and want to know what rhinoplasty by Dr. Tierney can do for you, request a consultation online, or call our office at (615) 320-8585.

Patients choose rhinoplasty to improve the size, shape, projection, and overall appearance of the nose, as well as correct its function.

What Is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to improve the appearance or function of the nose – or both. Dr. Tierney customizes each rhinoplasty to suit the individual patient's preferences. A surgical rhinoplasty can adjust:

Many rhinoplasty patients also benefit from chin surgery for an improved profile and more balanced features.

Your Rhinoplasty

Because the nose is comprised of both bone and cartilage, Dr. Tierney adjusts his surgical approach to suit each patient's goals and anatomic needs. Depending on the specifics of each surgery, Dr. Tierney may use general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation for rhinoplasty patients. Once the patient is properly anesthetized, Dr. Tierney makes an incision either within the nostrils (closed rhinoplasty) or on the underside of the nose (open rhinoplasty, pictured below). In either case, the resulting scars are very discreet. Dr. Tierney takes care to explain his planned surgical technique to each patient before his or her surgery.

Incision for Open Rhinoplasty

Open Rhinoplasty Incision


The incision for an open rhinoplasty is placed across the columella (between the nostrils). The thin, fine scar usually fades and becomes virtually unnoticeable.

Once he has made the incision, Dr. Tierney begins to reshape the architecture of the nose. He may sculpt, remove, or add bone or cartilage according to the patient's goals. If an interior irregularity impacts the patient's breathing, Dr. Tierney will correct it during surgery. Once he is satisfied with the improved structure of the nose, Dr. Tierney applies dressings and sutures.

Rhinoplasty Recovery & Results

Rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure, which means that it doesn't require an overnight stay. Swelling, bruising, and some discomfort are normal, and Dr. Tierney prescribes pain medication. He advises patients to stay upright and to sleep with their heads elevated for several nights following surgery to minimize swelling and encourage proper healing. Most patients feel comfortable returning to work or school after about 2 weeks.

Real Patient Photos

See the beautiful results Dr. Tierney can create for you with our gallery of real patient before-and-after photos.

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Preliminary rhinoplasty results are visible within a few weeks, but final results can take up to a year to fully materialize. The nose is a highly complex structure, so patience is key as swelling subsides and the bones and cartilage settle into their permanent positions. Barring any unforeseen trauma to the nose, rhinoplasty patients can enjoy their enhanced noses and improved facial harmony indefinitely.

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